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1、力抗病毒,成功在望。Virus will soon be foreigner. Success is around the corner.

2、With strong will, is equivalent to the feet to a pair of wings、-- Bailey、有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一对翅膀。贝利


4、嘴里说的人生,就是自己以后的人生。 Mouth say life, are the life of his own future.

5、同舟共济,苦尽甘来。We help each other in same boat. Final conquest is not remote.

6、Poor and stronger, not falling Albatron ambition. -- Wang Bo穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。 ——王勃


8、天佑中华, 快速回春。God bless our nation. Rid us of mutation.

9、挫折其实就是迈向成功所应缴的学费。 Frustration is success should pay tuition fees.

10、If the boat of your dream doesn\'t come to you, swim to it.

11、人生必须细心,必须胆量,必须热情,更必须自信心。life requires patience, need courage, need passion, need more confidence。


13、医疗人员,前线勇士。Our medical people shine, are heroes at frontline.

14、Heaven bless the Chinese, who will beat the disease!


16、Epidemic strikes Wuhan City, combating it is everyone's duty!

17、路的尽头,仍然是路,只要你愿意走。 The end of the road, is still a road, as long as you are willing to go.

18、Don’t lose faith, as long as the unremittingly, you will get some fruits. ---- Tsien Hsueshen不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果.----钱学森

19、武汉加油,全国加油。Wuhan go, go, go. Our nation go, go, go.

20、Our atest glory consists not in never falling, but in raising every time we fall.

21、宽恕为我们的生命增加了广阔的空间。 Forgiveness for our life has increased the vast space.

22、Have achieved unremittingly, indomitable than when subjected to failure is more important. -- Laroche, French writer取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。 ——拉罗什夫科,法国作家

23、齐心协力,战胜病毒。Let's pull together, and return fair weather.

24、除开舍弃尝试之外沒有不成功!in addition to give up trying no failure!

25、众志成城, 消灭疫情。Our will cannot be denied. Soon the virus'll declare ^v^died^v^.-----------------------------Our collective will cannot be denied. Soon corona virus'll declare ^v^died^v^.

26、A at obstacle to happiness is to anticipate too at a happiness.

27、武汉天灾, 全民有责。Wuhan's act of god, is shared by all aboard.

28、志在山顶的人,不会贪念山腰的风景。 Aim at the top of the mountain people, won't greed hillside scenery.


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