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1、The moon and the moon are round, the world is half a half, and you and the moon are all kinds of fate.The origin is destroyed, the dream changes, and my world is wonderful.The memories of the past, beautiful memories, preserved in my mind.May you be as happy as heaven!

2、Those who have experienced life and death, know how to love and cherish.Therefore, the people we are living must be kind and grasp the days of getting along with others, so that life will not leave regrets!

3、In the Qingming season, there were rain, and the ancestors of the ancestors cared about their loved ones.In this world, love can share the same bitterness, but it can't stick to the bland; friendship can withstand the bland, but can't stand suffering.Only affection, both of which are both, happy to Qingming Festival!


5、Qingming Rain is my tears, and Qingming kite is my thoughts; let the kite fly to heaven, it will bring my thoughts to warm your soul; let the rain return to the homeland, it will bring my blessing to nourish it.Your heart field!

6、The breeze and the moon are priceless, and the mountains are affectionate in the mountains. The willow branches are soft and soft, and the elderly wind is still there.The riverside willow, walking around the youthfulness, deeply bless the heart, be grateful to life, how enthusiastic life, happiness and sweetness in your hands!On the occasion of the Qingming Festival, I wish happiness and health!


8、The Qingming Festival is a holiday of "handling life and death", one is to commemorate gratitude, and the other is to maintain new life.You cannot think of Qingming alone as a grave sweeping, and you will relax your body and mind in the youth activities to achieve the purpose of cherishing life and living healthier!


10、The clouds decorate the wonderfulness of the sky, the greetings and the wonderfulness of friendship, the true feelings decorate the wonderful years, and the clear decoction of spring!Looking forward to the accompanying youth, send a text message to greet you, and fold the Liu to pray!

11、The spring is bright to clear, the drizzle is moist to the ground, and the time of tour of the blue suburbs, calling friends and friends to meet together, worrying about the sorrows and throws, enjoying flowers and enjoyment, the mountains and water are always leisurely.Happy stepping up, harvest happiness!


13、Songbai contains Cui Qingshi Legong to let the wind and snow wither still in the world; welcoming the spring flowers to open the brightness, admiring the affection in the piety.I would like to present the heroes who are brought to Qianqiu!May friends be healthy!









22、The severe winter passed, and the spring breeze was greener.During the Qingming season, the willow buds, peach blossoms bloom, grass is green, and the atmosphere is clean.Jieqi Qingming's image has come out of the world of all winter, and I wish my friends clear and healthy.







29、When posing, it has been ignored.When you lose, you can't regret it.Once beautiful, shelved into memories.The past has passed, and the present will be over.The Qingming Festival, cherish the people around you, and wish you happiness and peace!







36、Spring returns to the earth, spring is beautiful; life is so brilliant, life is so precious; those who leave, we miss; people around us, we cherish; send blessings in the Qingming Festival, and wish life forever!







43、In the Qingming season, there are rain. Pedestrians on the road are good for good luck. By asking where happiness is lucky, happy, healthy and peaceful is a lucky luck.

44、Burning incense is in front of the tomb, and the strands are unpalatable; the wine is in the grave, and Didi is all sad tears; the sacrifice flowers in front of the tomb, the flowers are all parting;Sorrow.The Qingming Festival is here, I hope the deceased will be able to rest forever!

45、If you wish me a happy Valentine's Day, just wait for me to call.

46、Recovery all things to welcomes Qingming, remember the old people's sacrifice, and cherish life of life, life and death, and the truth.do you know?This is the humanistic spirit of the Qingming Festival: first commemorate gratitude, remembering the old people; two maintenance of the new life!

47、Spring light is beautiful and sunny photos, catkins fly to Yan'er dance, and send text messages to send blessings.The Qingming Festival arrived, Zhu Ping is safe, happy, happy, and healthy.


49、Qingming, always accompanied by the drizzle of disturbances, showing the cold and loneliness of spring, the rain is as worried, how many people are in this sorrow ...




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