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1、Some things, some people, if you really want to forget, you will certainly forget.

2、The important sign of falling in love with a person is that you are sorry when you encounter any beautiful scenery, and why you are not around.

3、I want to cry, but I dont know how to cry.


5、Even if the heart is broken, the heart is still that person, this is love.

6、Some people meet with each other just like meteors, which burst out enviable sparks in an instant, but it is doomed to be just in a hurry.

7、I will still believe in love, but I will never believe in love forever.

8、Dont want to go on hypocrisy, pretend to laugh and cooperate with anyone.


10、My back is out of your world. There is only silence. Fear that never happened. Originally, my courage is so vulnerable.


12、Some people have too many smiles because they have too many tears in their hearts.

13、That never arrived in the midsummer, the sunshine will remember our blooming youth and grand love.


15、I tried my best to let you pay attention to me. At last, I found that I was too amorous.

16、Of all the faults, the easiest to forgive is laziness.

17、I am sad, because I have been lonely; I am sad, because no one has ever paid attention to me; I am sad, because you cant accompany me. I did not cry, but I will not forget that pain is a brand, engraved in my heart, heart unforgettable.

18、Sometimes, its just for love that I hide. What cant be avoided is the silent feelings.


20、The greatest loneliness in the world is not a single shadow, no place to express feelings, but a music of harmony.


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