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1、只有跟你在一起的时候我才是活着的,我一个人的时候,就连最耀眼的太阳也失去光彩! I am alive only when I am with you. When I am alone, the most dazzling sun seems to have lost the brilliance.


3、I can see clearly what happened. Youre going to walk the rest of the way.

4、You have to admit your life at any time, because you are human.

5、No matter how good a brother is, there will be a day of parting! I cried when I saw you to the station that day!

6、I wish you all the best in your future life.

7、Born and warm pillow, also happy in the end.

8、Be someone elses baby, dont come to my muddy water.



11、You are intoxicated with him like a puppet, no one can persuade, also can not save.

12、You are no longer around, panic roll the world.


14、Habit with you, with you in, so happy. Also fear of losing you.


16、May your love soar on the wings of a dove fly.

17、You, have a moment of heartache my persistence.


19、If you feel too tired, its not a sin to say goodbye in time.

20、Those who said they would not leave didnt stay.

21、How can I hide away, the whim of fate.我要怎样才能躲掉,命运的心血来潮。 幸好爱情不是一切,幸好一切不都是爱情。

22、Im used to being by your side. I dont know how to go.

23、Yesterday, today you let not again find you.

24、Time is not cruel. Just for it we are too fragile.

25、Before you gave the happiness, now accompany me sad.

26、The jigsaw of memory, piece together a perfect you.

27、You are everything when you are with you, and everything is you when you are not!


29、If the wind blowing can sober up, it doesnt matter if you have a cold.

30、Can not put a person, probably not the courage to start again.


32、So far, the situation has become hurt, hopeless and helpless.



35、If you love your life, your life will be filled with love.


37、You go, I left the unforgettable memories.


39、I still like you, but do you remember me?

40、You are not half good to me. It happens that this feeling is growing fast.

41、We are all changing. Why feel the past.

42、You are not the best, but what I want most.


44、In my twenties, in a hurry, in a hurry, I have nothing!

45、Sometimes the conversation becomes empty, but silence wants to communicate.

46、There is no eternal love, only permanent injury.

47、If two people are meant to be together, eventually they will find their way back.


49、Heartless laugh, was the best thing that I have.没心没肺的`笑,是我拥有的最美好的东西。 You are humorous, with the break to test how much I love you.

50、If my life is a joke, you are in my life the only true.

51、I am weak without wind, but give me a kings heart.

52、Looking back, we have gone through the sea. We have already changed the world.

53、Endless heartache can only be a joke, endless past had to blow away with the wind.


55、Care will want, dont care dont even want to.

56、Wanton laughter, who knows my heart is sad.


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