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1、Dont find happiness in other peoples eye lights, day and night is black and white world, laughter and tears is the joys and pangs of life。 People live a lifetime, happy is the most important。

2、When you find yourself, now have far more than once lost to good, you know, all struggle is worth it! A new day, good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

3、Wake up every morning, you and the sun in, this is the future I want to. 每天早上醒来,你和阳光都在,这就是我想要的未来。

4、没有人可以回到过去重新开始,但谁都可以从现在开始,书写一个全然不同的结局。Nobody can go back and start a newbeginning, but anyone can start now and make a new ending


6、Most importantly, brave to follow your heart and intuition。 Decide a persons life, and the entire fate, is just a moment。

7、His bent, all in order to strive upward, and not on the sun on the lack of emotion.

8、The difficulty for the head, it is difficult to make stone; step on the foot, it is a stepping stone.

9、I am a boat! It props up a stretch of white sails, adrift in the sea! When you are lonely, I will quietly to your heart。

10、Sometimes when I say m ok I just want some one to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say, I know youre not 有时候我说我很好。-----其实我是多希望,有个人能看穿我的伪装并紧紧抱住我,说:我知道,你并不好。


12、如果没有相等的`爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.

13、Heres my love. Take it.Heres my heart, dont break it. Heres my hand, hold it. And together we will make it forever.这是我的爱,收下吧。这是我的心,别打碎了。这是我的手,握好了。我们将在一起,永远…永远…。

14、Your efforts, not necessarily in the eyes of others, you dont work hard, others must be in my heart。 What else can be lazy, a new day, come on, friends!


16、Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be.每个清晨,当我睁开双眼,会对自己说:我,而不是我之外的什么东西,来决定我今天是快乐或不快乐。我自己能选择。

17、Youre throwing away happiness with both handsAnd reaching out for something that will never make you happy你把自己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些根本不会让你幸福的东西。


19、Every morning after I get up, I will quietly encourage myself: even if you have done such a difficult thing, what can be difficult for you in the next day!



22、There is no white road in life, there is no barrier that cant be crossed, good is experience, bad is experience, thats all. Good morning!



25、Sometimes slightly lower the head, perhaps our way of life will be more wonderful, our ability will improve.

26、Many years later, people say that older issues can be buried, but I know this is wrong, because he will climb by the past。

27、In a sunny morning, in the morning, we found that the white hair, long at the head of our father and mother, so bright I could feel the a site, was hard prick

28、Girls only in front of you like boys can be changed into girls, other times must like a gentleman to struggle!

29、Say good morning softly, and pass on my infinite care. Wait for your reply quietly, pour out how much I hope. The most beautiful day starts from this SMS transmission.

30、不要光顾着看别人,走错了自己脚下的路。Don't come to watch other people, oneself go wrong atthe foot of the road。

31、The diligent person, seven day per week; a lazy person, every week seven in the morning. 勤勉的人,每周七个全天;懒惰的人,每周七个早晨。

32、无论生活怎样,都不要忘记微笑。愿你成为自己的太阳,无需凭借谁的光。No matter what life is like, don't forgetto smile. May you be your own sun, without whose light you need.

33、你不用分清东南西北,只需要走向有我的方向。You dont have to divide all directions,you just need to go in my direction


35、有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.

36、Give your heart to hope, and your heart will grow.

37、Dont to cater to all people, to live so tired, tried to make everyone happy, you will forget how to smile。

38、Wed better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past

39、不见面也有不见面的好,你永远是那时的模样。It's good not to meet, you'll always be like that.

40、女生只有在自己喜欢的男生面前可以变成女生,其他时候必须像个爷们儿一样去奋斗!Girls only in front of you like boyscan be changed into girls, other times must like a gentleman to struggle!

41、When you look up, you look at the clouds; when you look down, you look at the road. Calm and natural. This is the great wisdom of life. Good morning!

42、Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall after all。 Good morning, come on! My dear friends!

43、幸福不意味着凡事都完美,那只是因为你已经不再只看到缺憾了。Happiness does not mean that all things areperfect, that's only because you no longer see only drawbackDon't say everythingyou know, don't believe everything you hear. Good morning, friend!

44、Get up in the morning and tell yourself: hard to stick. Again good also indifferent to. And the difference will be confident. More will save. Then the cold will be enthusiastic. 早上起来告诉自己:再难也要坚持。再好也要淡泊。再差也要自信。再多也要节省。再冷也要热情。

45、Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through忠于你的梦想,总有一天,属于你的彩虹会出现在你的上空

46、Give life a smile, give yourself a smile, bring sunshine, walk on the road of a new day.

47、Is predestined friends the people, no matter be apart, never away, eventually is gather together, hand in hand to the world of mortals。

48、Can control the morning of the people, to control their lives If a man cant do early in the morning, what do you expect him to do?


50、应该趁着年轻,和喜欢的人一起,制造些比夏天还要温暖的事。Should be taking the advantage of young, andfavorite people together, makingsomething warmer than summer。

51、All our struggles today are to build strength for tomorrow, so dont give up. good morning!

52、治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。When love is not madness, it is not love.


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