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1、Let us work towards the greater good of our nation and humanity on this National Day and always!

2、Happy National Day! Let us continue to work hard and strive for excellence in all that we do!

3、Wishing you a happy and prosperous National Day celebration surrounded by those you love!

4、Let us celebrate our country's strength, diversity, and unity on National Day and always!

5、Happy 71st birthday to a nation that has overcome so many obstacles and persevered.

6、May we continue to uphold the values that make our nation great. Happy National Day!

7、May this National Day be a celebration of all that we have achieved and all that we have yet to accomplish!

8、Let us cherish our country and all its people on this National Day!

9、Happy National Day to all my fellow patriots; may we always place our country above all else!

10、Celebrate this National Day with joy and enthusiasm.

11、May our country always be a place of freedom, opportunity, and equality. Happy National Day!

12、Honoring the sacrifices of our ancestors on National Day.

13、Let us honor our history, celebrate our achievements, and embrace our future on National Day!

14、Let us celebrate the beauty and diversity of our nation on this National Day and always!

15、Best wishes for a happy National Day filled with joy, peace and prosperity!

16、Let's salute the flag and celebrate National Day together! 让我们一起向国旗致敬,庆祝国庆节!


17、Let's come together to celebrate our freedom and diversity on this National Day. Happy festivities to all!

18、May our country continue to uphold the rule of law and protect human rights on National Day! 愿我们的国家在国庆节上继续维护法治,并保护人权!

19、Let's remember the sacrifices and contributions of our heroes and martyrs on National Day.

20、May our country continue to prosper on this National Day and always!

21、Let's stand tall and proud as we celebrate our great nation on this National Day. Happy celebrations!

22、Happy National Day to one and all! Let's cherish our freedom and embrace our diversity.

23、May this National Day be a time of peace, prosperity, and progress for all!

24、Celebrate the vision and strength of our country on National Day.

25、On National Day, let us unite under our shared values and strive towards our common goals!

26、Proud to be Chinese on National Day!

27、Let's use National Day as a reminder to appreciate the little things that make our country great.

28、Here's to the literary and intellectual brilliance of our nation on this National Day and every day!

29、Let's celebrate the achievements of our national education and science and technology on National Day! 让我们在国庆节上庆祝我们民族教育、科技的成就!

30、May we always strive towards a better tomorrow. Happy National Day!

31、May we always work towards a future that is bright and promising. Happy National Day!


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