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1、May our hearts be filled with love and pride for China on this National Day!

2、May the spirit of National Day inspire us to be more compassionate and responsible global citizens!

3、Wishing you all a happy National Day filled with love, peace, and happiness!

4、May the dragon of China soar higher and achieve greater heights on this National Day!

5、Wishing you all a very happy National Day filled with joy, love, and unity.

6、Happy National Day to the land of my ancestors!

7、Happy National Day to all those who call our great nation home. Let's celebrate our diversity, unity, and resilience together with pride and gratitude.

8、Let's all take a moment to remember and honor the heroes who made our nation what it is today!

9、On this National Day, let's reaffirm our commitment to building a more prosperous and inclusive nation!

10、Happy National Day to all of our amazing citizens! Let's unite and make our country great.

11、May we continue to work hard and achieve great things for the glory of China on this National Day!

12、May the spirit of patriotism and pride fill your heart on this National Day and always!yXXW.nEt

13、Happy 72nd National Day, China!

14、Let's celebrate our past achievements and strive for a better tomorrow on this National Day!

15、Let's honor and pay tribute to the sacrifices and contributions of our forefathers on this National Day!

16、Happy National Day, my dear friend! May this special day bring you lots of happiness and fulfillment!

17、Celebrating the culture and tradition of China on National Day!

18、May the spirit of unity and harmony continue to thrive in our country on this National Day and beyond!

19、Let's celebrate the hard-earned prosperity and progress of China on this National Day!

20、Let's come together to celebrate the strength and resilience of our nation on National Day!

21、Let's cherish the beauty of our beloved country and its people today. Happy National Day!

22、Happy National Day to those who believe in the power of unity and diversity!

23、I wish you a wonderful National Day holiday!


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